My chosen theme is Architecture. I aim to take this topic further at university, so when this project title came up, it was a definite path to head down to really help focus my view on Architecture. I knew that with a subject so broad, I could really delve into the different mediums and techniques to truly exploit the topic area.
Architecture mind map. |
I began this project by presenting all my ideas through a mind map, showing potential artists, mediums and buildings I could explore throughout the project. I also had chance to develop my photography skills by snapshotting buildings that truly captured my attention. I haven't got a preferred medium, as I have always enjoyed experimenting to get the best out of my work. Architecture will truly help emphasise this. I aim to vary from full observation and close-ups of buildings, whilst applying them to my own style. I particularly like Veronica Lawlor and her continual line style, I feel that her work is 'busy' and keeps the observer intrigued and involved within her work. This is an artist I will definitely look at whilst progressing though this project. Along with this, I aim to develop my skills with a craft knife and look further into digital enhancements through Photoshop. I feel that these mediums have the potential to create powerful outcomes and may be used to create my final piece.
Word count: 231
Good start to the blog pages, especially as you have ncorporated imagery to illustrate your written word.