Sunday, 17 November 2013

The Initial Research

I began my research by looking at Veronica Lawlor, Lapin and Gerard Michel, all of which had different approaches that I wanted to delve further into. I particularly liked Lawlors linear effect and the use of colour against black and white. An affect found exceptionally powerful.

Recreations of Lawlor's work

While recreating her work I looked at pencil, watercolour and stitch as they were all compelling ways of presenting her work. By pushing her work into my own style, I chose to adapt one of my own images and present it the style of her work (See Below).

Adapting my own photo to the style of Lawlor

Lapin looked at a more animated approach, I focused on watercolour when pursuing this artist. I enjoyed colours were exaggerated in some pieces to make them more powerful, in some instances images were abstracted, a factor that really intrigued my perception of the artist!

Recreations of Lapin's work

When looking at Gerard Michel, I continued to use water colour, however I also looked at the use of fine-liner. I enjoyed how Michel took a more realistic approach to his work, a path I really wanted to explore!

Recreations of Michel's work

Word count: 178

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