Thursday 9 January 2014

Collar Outcomes

Images to show the progression of my first collar
The images above show the creation of my first collar outcome, inspired by the Gherkin which was taken by myself in London. I like this first attempt however I think that the use of white paper weakens the final outcome. The idea of developing my cutouts further could really help strengthen my project and help create ideas for my final outcome.

Images taken in London, used for inspiration to create second collar outcome

Images to show the progression of the second collar outcome
The images above show the creation of my second collar. I wanted to explore a vriety of mediums including calico and paper. I like the outcome, however I feel that the style is too much like Cepress' work, making it look less individual to my own project. I think that the use of calico slightly weakened the piece and I want to move back towards the paper based collar.

Progression and Inspiration of third collar outcome.
From the second collar outcome I chose to completely move away from the style of Cepress and create a collar totally individual. I think that by doing this has created a truely powerful collar, inspired purely front the theme of Architecture. I like how I have used the use of foil and curved card to inspire the metallic of Lloyds building and still managed to create a powerful bib inspired from the Gherkin. 

Word count: 203

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